Family panning & Contraception

We provide a full family planning/contraception service. 

Coils & Implants

If you would like to have a coil or an implant, please make an appointment with one of our GPs to discuss this, this can either be face to face or via the telephone. Following this the GP will make an appointment with you to come in for the fitting. Dr Turner & Dr Bond both specialise in women’s health and hold women’s health clinics with dedicated time for this.

Contraceptive Pill Checks

If you are taking the contraceptive pill, it is important to have regular reviews which include checking your blood pressure, weight and smoking history.

Not having these checks may delay your request for a repeat prescription when it is next due, so it is important that you have your pill check when it is due.

Please speak to reception to make an appointment with one of our practice nurses. Alternatively you can also see the pharmacist at Cohen’s chemist.

Depo Provera & Sayana Press

The practice is currently in the process of offering patients who are currently using the contraceptive depo-provera to switch to SAYANA PRESS.

Sayana Press is a form of depot which can be self-administered every 13 weeks. It contains exactly the same hormone as depo-provera and therefore has the same side-effect profile, but can be given by the patient at home, hopefully saving time for the patient and saving the practice almost 200 nurse appointments per year.

Patients will be offered to switch at their next routine depot appointment with the nurse. At that time you will be shown how to inject and be issued with your next Sayana Press to self-inject 3 months later. Sayana Press is then added to your repeat prescriptions. You will continue to have monitoring with the GP every 2 years as you would with depo-provera.

Below is an instruction video on how to inject Sayana Press, in case you need a reminder when the time comes to inject it yourself:

Further information is available at: which also has more training videos for patients. Or you can download this step-by-step patient self-administration guide here.

Sexual Health

Leeds Sexual Health, a new service that offers Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screening and treatment, HIV testing and contraception services, opened in July 2015.
The Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH), Genito-Urinary Medicine service (GUM), and Yorkshire MESMAC have come together as Leeds Sexual Health to provide you with a new, improved and easy to access service.

Visit for more information on sexual health, including contraception, STIs, and pregnancy.

Clinic timetable – Or download a PDF version